Cattelan Media Advertising – Autumn 2015

Alberto SchiattiNews

Per CATTELAN ITALIA un 2015 da vivere “sotto i riflettori”, all’insegna di una grande visibilità, qualitativa e
quantitativa. Il tutto per celebrare l’evoluzione di un Brand che guarda al futuro con la determinazione di chi è
protagonista del proprio tempo.
Una campagna pubblicitaria consistente, dedicata all’Italia, perchè nella comunicazione oggi non basta esserci, ma
occorre farlo attraverso una strategia mirata a potenziare l’immagine ed al contempo, dare al consumatore una visione
da leader. Leader nel valore commerciale, qualitativo e creativo.

EMU makes outdoor living great outdoor living

Alberto SchiattiNews

For almost 65 years, the EMU name has been synonymous with excellence
in design and manufacture of outdoor furniture. As a pioneer in steel
manufacturing, EMU’s expertise now encompasses innovative production
techniques, cutting-edge processes and high quality materials, combined with
unsurpassed design; longevity, versatility and desirability are the result.
And essential to EMU’s leading position in outdoor furniture is its commitment
to ‘Made in Italy’; a guarantee of world-class design and quality.

Two iconic Italian brands. One amazing opportunity.

Alberto SchiattiNews

Porada and LEMA are renowned worldwide for
the creation of many of Italy’s finest contemporary
furniture pieces.
With the redesign of the Porada UK and LEMA UK
showrooms, in anticipation of the London Design
Festival on 19-27 September, and Focus/15 event on
20-25 September, this Clearance Sale is a fantastic
opportunity to purchase stunning products at amazing
prices – and with immediate delivery too!